About this Substack

“Work. It’s my Achilles Heel” - Saul in Homeland, final series

Hallo, I’m Julia Hobsbawm, writer, speaker, and consultant about the past and present of work and about the culture of work and working life. Welcome to the Workathon Substack.

Workathon is dedicated to improving our understanding of the way the world of work is, should be, could be -and I hope will be.

This Substack gives you a taste of the rich content, data and resource we are collating - that is me and a group of outstanding colleagues from around the world ranging from anthropologists and data scientists to the most senior figures in Talent, AI, Workplace Policy and Workplace design.

We will be bringing to the wide Substack audience highlights of the latest trends in three areas in particular: WORKPLACE; AI AT WORK; and PEOPLE & CULTURE.

I’m the author of several books about the future of work and co-host the podcast The Nowhere Office.

Julia always seems to be three steps ahead on her thinking. ” - Nicholas Bloom, William D. Eberle Professor of Economics. Stanford University

Look forward to having you join us. The future of work is moving fast. It’s a movement. Be part of what works.

Subscribe to WORKATHON with Julia Hobsbawm

The Past, Present - and Future of Work. Insight, data and perspective featuring the award-winning work expert Julia Hobsbawm and colleagues from the Workathon project plus extra interviews from The Nowhere Office podcast.


Writes about the fully connected world. Young Grandma. Author of books, podcaster, hopefully thinks interesting things and conveys them to you.